Jinan modified car stereo speakers dust cap experts in design often do not bump, dust cap on the cone structure and phase one of the biggest difference is that the dust cap is actually dependent on the cone, with the vibrating cone with activity, so the dust cap from the broad sense actually part of the "diaphragm", and also being involved in the sound, which, on its different shapes and natural sound will be a direct result of the speaker unit differences in characteristics.
Concave and convex contrast dust cap dust cap, a very important difference in the different vibration modes and the extent of its resonance thus a direct result, and these differences will directly determine both the vocal characteristics and frequency ring on each curve characteristics.
Jinan car audio conversion expert analysis to split vibration convex dust caps speaker unit will form a strong inhibition, but also be able to filter out the excess part of the high-frequency signal, but its resonance is large, so its large peak curve , that straightness relatively poor frequency response curve; and concave protective cap due to the smaller degree of the resonance peak is relatively low, the curve shape can be done in the ideal flatness, and thus there will be more favorable directivity. And the sound quality, the use of convex dust caps speaker, the sound will behave as a more supple ear, but at the same resolution and knot strength is relatively weak, the sound is more vigorous; and the use of a concave dust cap speaker, the sound is biased clear and bright, but also a more obvious sense of mellow.
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