Jinan car audio upgrade introduced in the field of car audio speaker is definitely a very important part of the coaxial speaker is responsible for reproducing treble and bass on the same axis installed two speakers, and that the two speakers in the diaphragm also coincides with the surface, due to its physical location close to the point source, so the replay music sound field position would be ideal.
Jinan car audio coaxial speakers talked about upgrading the product is a coaxial speaker replace the existing high school, bass speakers products over the speaker system is the product of the best speaker series, its performance parameters are far superior to ordinary speakers, prominent is characterized by high, high fidelity transmission phase, the full-range bass sound, due to increased phase fidelity sound positional sense and a sense of sound position clear and accurate, and the sound of many musical instruments each location is also not easy to chaos, so the music clear and transparent, more suitable environment for the use of small spaces by coaxial loudspeakers speaker is coaxial speakers.
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