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    更新日期:2014-11-20 16:24:17    浏览次数:1028次


    Mainly exists speaker diaphragm of the speaker cabinet in order to prevent the front and back loops are formed acoustic signal directly, resulting in only a very small wavelength of high-frequency sound can be spread out, while the other sound signal is superimposed on the offset. Physical model of a speaker is in an infinite rigid baffle open a hole, install the speakers, so you can ensure that the front and back speakers sound signal does not form a loop, causing sonic loop. However, the actual use, the speaker is not possible to make infinite, so people in the back of the speaker to form a closed space with a baffle to ensure the transmission of sound waves in the front.
    After the speakers closed due to atmospheric problems, speaker box is bigger and more beneficial to low-frequency sound reduction, therefore, generally the speaker volume is calculated according to the size of a woofer speaker compromise data. Many environment may still not allowed to have much of a box, people in order to further reduce the volume, but also according to the characteristics of sound waves and enhance low-frequency sound reproduction requirements of the design of the tank baffle, inverting the tube, resonator, etc., mainly to certain wavelengths in the low frequency band of the sound signal be enhanced and the atmospheric pressure to further reduce the effects of sound reduction.

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