  • 孚卡悦听汽车音响品牌连锁
  • 技术总监:张店长
  • 手机:186-0531-9097
  • 电话:0531-87058788
  • 传真:0531-87058788
  • 邮箱:jn-bsd@163.com
  • 网址:www.sdcarmusic.com
  • 地址:济南市历城区二环东路
  • 汽车东站北临50米路东
    更新日期:2014-12-30 13:17:15    浏览次数:1002次


    Jinan car audio conversion, said car audio power amplifier supply apparatus is equipped with a pulse width modulation converter, which pulse-width modulation circuit even in the case of music signal changes, voltage fluctuation, etc.can also be a control voltage, thereby providing a stable power supply. Temperature changes and a stronger adaptability to changing musical signal can ensure a more stable job.

    Jinan modified car stereo amplifier, said DC amplifier straight is omitted due to the coupling capacitor, thus enhance the sound quality. With the addition of the regulator, the power supply capacity has increased, so you can make the sound more real.

    Jinan car audio conversion, said power amplifier circuit to make this music signal purity is maintained, because doing so can the music signal waveforms are interfering with the negative waveform to be dealt with separately, while the ground is independent , so completely prevent mixing of noise.

    Jinan modified car stereo amplifier, said the use of new electrical insulation to shield the audio signal from the effects of alternators and other engine.

    Jinan modified car stereo power amplifier built-in equalizer, said, with ordinary power amplifier installed in the same location. Because of its simple line connection, it can minimize signal transmission loss, thereby ensuring excellent sound quality converter brings.

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