Jinan car noise introduce a sense of depth is the distance from the sound source listeners between the sound source, so a sense of the depth of the sound source localization, also known as the sound source distance. A sense of the depth of the sound source is often associated with a digital mode, when we hear a sound, we feel that in addition to the general direction of the sound occurs, it will also feel the approximate distance to the sound occurs. To accurately sense the depth of the sound source, the sound field will have to be familiar with the environment, a source familiar with the sound of the tone, or directly by means of visual and sound source to measure their distance. It showed a sense of the depth of the sound source is acquired form, can be trained.
Jinan car noise comes to depth positioning primarily to determine the extent of acoustic attenuation through. Acoustic waves in the radiation process, the energy loss with propagation distance, above all higher harmonics in the first
small amplitude attenuation, forming program change. After the human ear to hear the acoustic signal, the sound signal stored for comparison with the brain, to determine the depth of the acoustic signal of the sound source.
Another way to Jinan car sound sense of depth is recommended that the sound source of comparative law, when there are several different distances from the sound source exists, the human ear can be close to the point source to infer the
depth of other sound sources. Array of multiple sound sources at different distances and angles of incidence of the point source is formed, so that the width of the sense of hearing and sense of encirclement produce sound. Sound source with a visual sense of depth is usually parallel formation by visual experience, by visual help pinpoint.
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