Jinan car audio car audio brand introduced by geographical points, can be divided into the Japanese brands and European brands, which is more familiar classification, home audio and often to compare the pros and cons of such a
Jinan Turning Japanese brand car audio sound quality audio to read and modify Kyo, voice reading means to obtain signals from a host of digital and analog audio process. Japanese brands of audio technology in this area is very mature, pure sound fine. Modification of the sound quality is the use of mathematics means to create a variety of effects every game to please the ear, a variety of live simulation, the source of these functions to break character, but more in line with the human ear habits, it is very pleasing to the consumer. Overall, the vast majority of Japan's more balanced overall sound quality, consistent with the public's consumption.
Jinan car audio sound analysis of European and American brands in order to restore the true power amplifier and low inter-shocked Kyo, European and American people pay attention to restore the true qualities of the music, while some
manufacturers with special emphasis on the bass, European and American brands of amplifiers and speakers in a home stereo compare respected.
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