汽车音响和其它音响一样,也是由卡座、CD、功率放大器和扬声器等构件组成。 随着汽车在我国的高速发展,为自己的爱车装备一套高品质的汽车音响已不是什么遥不可及的事。那么汽车音响改装主要是涉及哪几个方面呢?
In the speaker's choice, different customers will depending on the circumstances, select Set speakers or coaxial speakers, car speakers divided into many different types, depending on the style of music, horn products also differ in style, but no way to get two different styles of speakers harder than a bottom.
In the selection of the host, who usually choose the country hosts the original car to push, if the use of foreign hosts who will be relatively small.
Amplifier, power amplifier and speaker power with each other, if the amplifier power is too low, it will not move the speaker, if too much power amplifier, speakers and easy to burn, so I want to select the amplifier, and speakers must choose power just right.
4、增加功率放大器。主机内装的功率放大器多数输出功率很小,如果想得到更好的音质或推动更大功率的扬声器,那么安装一个或更多的功率放大器是 非常必要的。如果把主机比作汽车音响的大脑的话,功率放大器则是"心脏",强化"心脏"就相当于强化身体。
Most of the built-in host output power amplifier is small, or if you want to promote better sound more powerful loudspeakers, the installation of one or more power amplifiers are necessary. If the host brain compared to the car stereo, then, the power amplifier is the "heart" to strengthen the "heart" is equivalent to strengthen the body.
Using only one speaker left and right, the dynamic range is narrow, difficult to demonstrate rich bass and sharp treble. So let each speaker can show their good vocal range, you should use high-range tweeters, midrange and bass bass speakers, as well as subwoofer with bass speakers or subwoofers such auxiliary systems.
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