  • 孚卡悦听汽车音响品牌连锁
  • 技术总监:张店长
  • 手机:186-0531-9097
  • 电话:0531-87058788
  • 传真:0531-87058788
  • 邮箱:jn-bsd@163.com
  • 网址:www.sdcarmusic.com
  • 地址:济南市历城区二环东路
  • 汽车东站北临50米路东
    更新日期:2014-12-16 17:00:14    浏览次数:1454次


    Car stereo when the warranty period must be modified to change, because the problem for the owners of their own due to modification of the line, such as instrument line is broken, 4S shop is not responsible for the warranty, which is equal to the owners to give up the right to warranty .

    Speaker power do not do too great, the greater the power of the speaker, the price is higher, so many owners that power the bigger the better, in fact, is wrong.

    Jinan car audio conversion when owners should be aware of when the audio line cloth, try not to change the original line, but also to avoid interference to other line, the other line squeezed or broke. As another example, to change the sound to be demolished door, and afterwards to pay attention to workers of the restoration, there have been modified as a case worker to noise coating block of gray plastic film torn off.

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