Jinan car stereo sound when talking about installing wiring modification request is noise immunity and safety. All wires must have a resistance to burn, signal lines must have shielding, the amplifier's power wire should be thick enough. Power line passes through the metal have double protection, all power cords must have wave tube sets. Power and its components should be designed to separate the audio portion of insurance, in order to ensure safe use of electricity sound.
Jinan car audio conversion comes to the assembly process required to maintain all the original decoration of the original car. Part of the increase in outdoor decoration, its style is as consistent as possible, A pillar and door trim treble Aberdeen foreskin with the original car paint, etc., should be coordinated with the interior color and styling.
Jinan modified car stereo speakers require installation should be strong, anti-vibration anti-resonance, it is best to install seals when installing speakers cushioning. Of course, this will definitely increase the speaker installation requires a certain degree of artificial time-consuming and material costs.
Sound after the installation is complete you should check the car starts, rang the car speakers, listen to the speaker whether there is interference; throttle, engine and generator to hear if there is noise interference; the volume is
turned to "0" to hear whether the treble Aberdeen current sound.
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